30 Second Clip - No 51 – How is it possible to address God as ‘Father’?


30 Second Clip - No 51 –

How is it possible to address God as ‘Father’?

Produced by George Calleja (Christian Author)


Welcome back to this 30 Second Clip.

Today’s question is: How is it possible to address God as ‘Father’?

Now, according to the compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we can invoke the ‘Father’ because the Son of God made man has revealed him to us and because his Spirit makes him known to us. The invocation, Father, lets us enter into his mystery with an ever new sense of wonder and awakens in us the desire to act as his children. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are therefore aware of our being sons of the Father in the Son.

So be encouraged that it is possible to address God as ‘Father’

Thanks for listening and hope you share this clip.

George Calleja (Christian Author)


God Bless you and take care,

George Calleja (Christian Author).


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