30 Second Clip - No 50 – Why is the Church called 'Catholic'?


30 Second Clip - No 50 –

Why is the Church called 'Catholic'?

Produced by George Calleja (Christian Author)


It is a pleasure to be with you once again for this 30 Second Clip.

I have recently been asked this question: Why is the Church called 'Catholic'?

Well, according to the compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Church is catholic, that is universal, insofar as Christ is present in her, as Saint Ignatius of Antioch said ‘Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church’.

The Church proclaims the fullness and the totality of the faith: she bears and administers the fullness of the means of salvation; she is sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole of the human race.

So, in a summary, that is why the Church is called ‘Catholic’

Thanks for listening and watching this clip.

George Calleja (Christian Author)


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