Welcome back to the 18th episode of HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR CHRIST. It is a real pleasure that you joined and I really wish you all the blessings through these videos.

Today’s reflection is titled A life of prayer


During our daily lives we have time to do a lot of different things. We go to work, to school, visit our friends and relatives, we spend time on our electronic gadgets, and so on… But what about prayer? Do we spend time in prayer? Do we spend time with Jesus in prayer?

Prayer is a very important part of my life. It is a time to be with Jesus, to voice out my thanksgiving to Him, to worship Him, to adore Him… to listen to Him… to experience Him in my life. For me prayer is a ‘lifestyle’. Prayer gives me the strength to overcome difficulties in life, to be able to love my neighbour more, to be able to forgive, to do acts of love, to be a merciful person. Prayer makes me a whole person, as I know that Jesus is listening to me, God the Father loves me, and the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen me in my faith.

This is my experience of prayer. An experience of being loved by Him, of being comforted, knowing that Jesus is listening to me; and in His own way He answers my prayers. My life of prayer is a joy for me.

This is my prayer for you… that you too may experience it in your life… and that you may live a life of prayer.


 A life of prayer is to be in our daily lives. Be encouraged, spend time in prayer and I am sure that you will experience Jesus more in your life. You will receive His grace, comfort and peace through prayer.

 Through a life of prayer, you are on the right track for Salvation.

God bless you and until we meet again stay safe.

  George Calleja (Christian Author).


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