Monthly Reflection by George Calleja - September 2013 - ‘Love is the source of Peace’

Everyday we listen to stories about wars, fights, killings, injustices, hatred etc.  All of these are a result of a lack of love between people, which as a consequence it seems that peace is hardly to be found.

Everyday many stories are happening about, forgiveness, helping the needy person, giving shelter to a poor person, visiting prisoners etc. All of these are a result of love between people, which as a consequence brings peace to the person.  Unfortunately, these stories are not popular in the daily news, but for the person who expressed and received this love…….these actions have been very important indeed.

Love is the source of Peace.  People are to love one another through the Love of Jesus. The Love of Jesus which poured Peace to the people of all nations.

This Love is the love which each one of us are to give to others, help your neighbor, care to your parents, visit the sick. There are endless ways how to Love, endless opportunities to Love, and endless situations to Love.

Always remember, only to Love the way as Jesus Loved us. Remember that when Loving your neighbor you are Loving Jesus, and when you Love Jesus you are Loving your Neighbor.
Love is the source of Peace. Are you Loving to bring this Peace?


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