Short Inspirational Messages (Number 31)

·        Peace is only possible through embracing Jesus

·        For the love of the Father, I will love my neighbour

·        Share the joy of Christ, for the world to see His Light

·        Christ loves you, because He is love

·        Rejoice and know that He loves you in a personal way

·        Trust in Him, without doubting

·        Share your peace of the Lord with your neighbour

·        Through the cross, Jesus expressed His love for all mankind

·        Be one with your neighbour, be Jesus to your neighbour

·        Go to Jesus, to receive His healing

·        Seek His love and know Him in a personal way

·        By caring for your neighbour, you will know Christ

·        Through His death, He brought you Salvation

·        The way to Salvation is through Jesus, by loving your neighbour

·        Jesus died on the cross because He loves you

·        The Cross is the sign of Love

·        Love endlessly, seek peace and praise God

·        Do good to all, by being Christ to all

·        Spiritual emptiness is lack of faith in Jesus

·        Any little act of love, draws you closer to Jesus

God Bless you and take care,

George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster).



George Calleja (Spotify Podcasts):


Peace and Unity in our Lives (WordPress administered by George Calleja):


Published books by George Calleja:

#reflection #christian #love #peace #jesus


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