30 Second Clip - No 38 - What is the greatest human desire?


30 Second Clip - No 38 - What is the greatest human desire? - 

Produced by George Calleja (Christian Author)



In today’s 30 Second Clip, I will share with you what The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches about ‘What is the greatest human desire?’.

It is quoted that… the greatest desire of the human person is to see God. ‘I want to see God’ is the cry of our whole being. We realize our true and full happiness in the vision and beatitude of the One who created us out of love and draws us to himself with infinite love.

My friends I hope that your desire is to see God.

God bless you.

George Calleja (Christian Author)



 Also, kindly note that to know more about the social networks of George Calleja and to make contact with the author, kindly follow the below links:

 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/georgecalleja

 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pat123george

 Peace and unity in our lives: https://sites.google.com/site/peaceinunity/





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