Short Inspirational Messages (Number 27)
The love of Christ is the answer to society.
Jesus is always next to you because He loves you.
If you feel away from the Lord, know that He is close to you.
To have a world in peace,
is by loving your neighbour.
Every day is an opportunity to share Gods love with your
Loving one’s neighbour is loving
Real unity is only possible by being another Jesus.
If you are happy or not, if you are worried or not… always go to Jesus.
is only one source of real happiness… that is Jesus.
Financial richness is worthless when compared with spiritual
Sharing the Good News is the responsibility of all Christians.
I am in peace when I help my neighbour.
As a Christian I rejoice through the love of God.
You died on the cross for
us, thank you Jesus.
I follow Him because He died for me.
Being a Christian is to be Jesus to others.
The unborn babies look forward to be born, and taken care by
their mother and father.
In Peace
George Calleja – Malta
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