Short Inspirational Messages (Number 17)

·         The cross that Jesus carried paved the way for you to go to Him.
·         Let your life in His hands and the rest will be taken care by Him.
·         You are precious Lord, I thank you for my life.
·         When I receive Jesus through the Eucharist, I go to my neighbour and be Jesus to them.
·         Jesus, the source of my life, He is everything for me.
·         When you are weary and down, know that there is Jesus who gives you rest.
·         The Lord is good... If only we give Him a chance to know Him in a personal way!
·         Share your love of Jesus with others who have not heard of Him.
·         Praise you Lord for you are good and care for me.
·         Give thanks to God and trust Him in your life.
·         How can I love Jesus? loving my neighbour.
·         To be a peaceful person is to know Jesus in a personal way and to make Him the source of your life.
·         Always be a witness to your neighbour that Jesus is the Lord of all.
In Peace

George Calleja - Malta
my above mentioned website is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for you….to enrich your faith!

and George Calleja Christian Author


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