‘Loving Others’

Loving others is by doing the small everyday things with an ever increase dosage of love.
Yesterday I released my wife had a puncture.  Unfortunately even the spare tyre was flat and being a Sunday I could not go to the garage.  

This morning I went to the garage in order to give him the tyre for repair; he replied that I could come back in two hours to pick it up again.  Great I could go and pick it up, put it back on the car and be just in time for my wife to go for her appointment.  

However the tyre needed changing and he did not have a supply until the afternoon.  Therefore in order to love my wife, I went home, left the car for her and walked about 35 minutes to my office.  A small act of love which when multiplied on a daily basis becomes the basis of our marriage.  

The pomegranate fruit is made from very small grains bonded together with such perfection and beauty that when you open it one marvels at how nature can produce such beauty.  Many such small acts of love to those around us will produce many “pomegranates” in our lives; many groups of people to whom we show our love and who then return it back.  

Even if others do not return our love back, we would still have given it and God will reward us, because love is like the gentle rain; once it falls it does good even when the surface is concrete and not receptive.

(Paul Borg – Malta [February 2015])

In Unity,
George Calleja – Malta
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and ‘George Calleja – Christian Author’ https://sites.google.com/site/georgecallejachristianauthor/


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