Short Inspirational Messages (Number 12)

·         Be helpful to your neighbour, as in your neighbour there is Jesus.
·         My guardian angel, oh what a great friend he is to me.
·         I am thankful for my life, as Jesus already died on the cross for me.
·         Through His love for me, I am able to love other people.
·         I forgive you my friend for hurting me, as I know He loves you dearly.
·         The truth is that Jesus loves you in a personal way.
·         By reading the Bible, it helps me to follow Him and increase my faith.
·         Heaven... the place I aim to be by loving my neighbour.
·         Everyday is a gift from God, every moment is an opportunity to love.
·         He died on the cross for all of us, for He loves us dearly.
·         I thank you Jesus, for I know you love me dearly and I am precious to you.
·         Reading the Bible, helps me to know, how to be compassionate with the people I meet.
·         It is a joy to follow Jesus. It is a joy to share His Good News.
·         Are you patient with everyone and able to love them as they are?
·         Give the joy and peace of Christ to the colleagues at the workplace.
In Peace

George Calleja - Malta
Just to inform you that my  website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as

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