Short Inspirational Messages (Number 10)

·         My neighbour, an opportunity to share His Love.
·         Being one with your neighbour is being with Jesus.

·         Receiving the Eucharist makes me whole and knowing Jesus more in an intimate way.

·         To serve others is a way to bring Christ to the people.

·         Jesus, He forgave me, He loves me in a personal way.

·         Unity, brings peace to the world, unites broken families through His Love.

·         Mary, a mother who suffered, a mother who loved endlessly, an example to all other mothers.

·         Loving and forgiveness are two actions we are to do everyday.

·         Praying is a lifestyle that makes you closer to Jesus.

·         Helping the one next to you is loving Jesus.

·         Mothers and fathers are to give their children the love of Jesus.

·         Always seek how to love more the way that Jesus loved us.

·         Trust Him in every moment of your life, He Loves you dearly.

·         Have faith in Him, follow Him, for He wants the best for you.

In Peace

George Calleja - Malta
Just to inform you that my  website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as

is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for you….to enrich your faith!


  1. Always Remember you are you're biggest asset, spend the time investing in you.

    inspirational messages


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