Monthly Reflection by George Calleja - December 2012 - 'Increasing my Faith'

‘Increasing my Faith’

What is Faith all about?  Is it possible in today’s world to have Faith?  Many people argue that Faith is outdated, old fashioned, not for the young people and so on.

Faith can never be outdated, old fashioned and so on.  Having Faith is possible.  Having Faith makes a person complete, makes the person whole.  A person having Faith, is a person being spiritual close to God.

Faith is based on living your life in a close relationship with Jesus Christ the Son of God.  My Faith has increased over the years, because I have always sought to live this particular relationship with Jesus.  Yes, reading books about Faith, listening to a talk about Faith has also contributed to increase my Faith.  But for sure the most important is to have this personal relationship with Jesus, for He has increased my Faith and made me whole.

A personal relationship with Jesus helps me to live each moment in my life through His Love, His Grace, His Peace and His Comfort amongst others.  This relationship has helped me increasing my Faith, making me able to live fulfilled and not just ‘exist’.

Be encouraged, have Faith in Him, and let Him increase your Faith during the coming year.  This is possible through your relationship with Jesus, ...... by praying.


George Calleja – Malta

Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:-

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