
Showing posts from March, 2024

Reflections for Bible Study No. 3 - Ephesians 2:17 & Mark 12:30.

Reflections for Bible Study No. 3     In this third episode, short reflections are presented that help in your bible study with regards to the following bible verses Ephesians 2:17 & Mark 12:30. produced by George Calleja (Christian Author and Podcaster). God Bless you and take care, George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster). -------   George Calleja (Spotify Podcasts):

Being a Christian is to be reflected in your way of living

Many people ask, but how is a Christian to live in todayā€™s society? Others might say, it is impossible to live as a Christian in todayā€™s life. In brief, to be a Christian is to follow Christ, and to live by His example and teachings. One cannot say of being a Christian and at the same time does not live as a Christian. Being a Christian is to be reflected in your way of living. The main problem of not living up to being a Christian is that one focuses on what the world offers, and not what has been prepared through the Cross and Salvation of Christ. Today many people are spiritually short-sighted and blind, which causes their hearts to be hardened and lose track of God. It is useless for people not living up to their Christian faith to blame society, as it is the same people who decide to follow the darkness of society. It is important to remember and to reflect that to be a Christian is to be reflected in your way of living.   (listen to this podcast from the following l...

Wars do not solve conflicts

Throughout the history of mankind, wars always played a prominent part in history. Wars only bring destruction of all kinds, with people getting injured or killed. There could be different reasons why wars take place. Whatever the reasons are, wars are never justified as right. In my opinion as a Catholic layperson, the main reason why wars take place is because humanity does not seek peace, does not seek God, and of not trusting and do not have hope in Jesus. History and todayā€™s era clearly show that wars do not solve conflicts. Leaders of different countries should seek peace with one another and put an end to wars. Peace is always there ready to conquer through the love of God.  Give peace a chance to overcome wars. God Bless you and take care, George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster). -------   George Calleja (Spotify Podcasts):   Peace and Unity in our Lives (WordPress administered by Ge...

Latest Christian podcast by George Calleja (Christian Author): Children are to know and experience Jesus (017)

  Latest Christian podcast by George Calleja (Christian Author): Children are to know and experience Jesus (017 Apple link: GoodPods Link: Radio Public Link:!3f82b#t=3  Spotify Link:  Spotify Podcaster link:  This Christian podcast produced by the Christian Author George Calleja includes: - A reflection: Children are to know and experience Jesus - Book Reading: Her Silence - (Introduction & Chapter 1 - My early years with Mary - pages 13 to 17) - Guest Spe...

Reflections for Bible Study No. 1

Reflections for Bible Study No. 1  -  In this first episode, short reflections are presented that help in your bible study with regards to the following bible verses Col 3:13 & Acts 20:35  -  produced by George Calleja (Christian Author and Podcaster).

Every person is to be respected

Respect is a value that is required to be lived by all. Through respect, society would be a much better place to live in. It is of utmost importance that respect is to be a way of living, that would contribute to loving oneā€™s neighbor. It is a pity that in certain situations respect is not lived when people have different ideas, beliefs, and opinions. Whenever people are disrespected, there is suffering, hatred can take over, and disunity is created. This is not what Jesus wants. Jesus wants us love one another and respect everybody. Do you practice respect in your life? God Bless you and take care, George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster). -------   George Calleja (Spotify Podcasts):