
Showing posts from 2016

Short Inspirational Messages (Number 21)

·          Peace is only possible in the world whenever you love your neighbour. ·          Do good deeds to your neighbour and know you are doing it to Jesus. ·          If you are bored with life, Jesus is always there to comfort you. ·          The beauty of life depends upon our relationship with Jesus. ·          In every neighbour that I help I see Jesus. ·          Sharing about the love of Jesus is a way to change the world. ·          Do not let the waves of life discourage you, but be encouraged to face it through Him. ·          Even in the most difficult time of my life, You show me your light for direction. ·     ...

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all the very best for this Christmas and the New Year. May the blessings of the Lord be always with you. Regards George Calleja (Christian Author) =============================== It’s Christmas! The Word became a human being and set love alight on earth. It’s Christmas! And we would never wish the sun to set on this day. Teach us, O Lord, how to preserve your presence among us. It’s Christmas! Let your love, set alight on earth, burn our hearts and let us love one another as you desire! Then you will be there among us. And every day, if we love one another, can be Christmas. Chiara Lubich (Taken from Christmas Joy, New City, London 1998, p.59)


WHEN! When am I to speak to be silent to listen to the voice from within the voice of His Will When am I to act to bring peace and justice to help and free pain to be Jesus to others to radiat a ray from the Sun Be Jesus Let Jesus To transform me to show me the way when to speak be silent to listen and to act George Calleja - Malta ps Just to remind you that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for you….to enrich your faith!                                     Follow me on TWITTER and my Christian EBook page at and ‘...