
Showing posts from August, 2015

A review on my book 'Yes... I Will Follow Him'

ROBERT A. HUNT Has reviewed my book 'Yes... I Will Follow Him' as follows: ā€˜I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I strongly recommend anyone to read "Yes I will follow him" by George Calleja. It was beautifully written. I admire how George Calleja let go of his job and family and did ministry for 6 years abroad. It is not easy to let go of everything and just follow Jesus. But there is so much more reward and blessing in following Jesus. I really enjoyed the different verses George mentioned like when Mary was visited by the angel and was told that she would give birth to Jesus, God's son and how she just said yes to the lord, trusting him completely. There is so much for a reader to learn in this novel and I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in exploring a closer relationship with the Lord.ā€™ You can download this ebook from the following link:- SmashWord https...

Short Inspirational Messages (Number 15)

Ā·          Come and treasure Him... He loves you dearly. Ā·          A life of prayer is a life to holiness. Ā·          Jesus you are peace, love, the Son of God... you are in my neighbour. Ā·          Pray, that the world may recognise the Love of Jesus to all humanity. Ā·          Be His disciple, to love your neighbour and to share His love. Ā·          Love is, to be Jesus to others. Ā·          Peace... will reign when there is Jesus in the midst. Ā·          Trust Him in your life, have faith in Him, and grow in His love. Ā·          My desire in life is to know Jesus in a more personal way. Ā·   ...

A special offer of 99 cents only to purchase ā€˜YESā€¦ I WILL FOLLOW HIMā€™ through SmashWord.

A special offer of 99 cents only to purchase ā€˜YESā€¦ I WILL FOLLOW HIMā€™ through SmashWord. This offer is available until the end of September 2015. All you have to do to receive this offer is to follow the indicated link and enter the coupon code for the respective ebook. ā€˜YESā€¦ I WILL FOLLOW HIMā€™ Link: Coupon Code: BQ85G The following are extracts from this ebook: ā€¦.During my time as a missionary with ā€˜ICPEā€™, I recall going through different sacrifices. There were times when as a group we performed a mime in the streets of Germany and other countries, to bring forth the message of Salvation, together with our testimonies and preaching. It wasnā€™t the first time that people watching us made fun of us, laughed at us and ridiculed us. I used to feel the painā€¦ but during the same occasion, I would see other people receiving our message of hope and desiring Jesusā€¦ that would encourage me to keep on going spreading the Go...