
Showing posts from February, 2013

Jesus Condemned

Jesus Condemned   Pilate brought Jesus outside and said to the people, "Look at your king!" At this they shouted, "Away with him! Crucify him!" Then Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. "Behold your king," says Pilate. "Away with him," the people shout. And they sent you to your death. Lord Jesus, Word made flesh, Light for our dark world, God come to save us, may we never send you away. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be     ā€œ Stained glass image courtesy of ā€.

From the inner of your heart, you are to focus and search for the horizon, and walk to it to find your freedom and peace.

From the inner of your heart, you are to focus and search for the horizon, and walk to it to find your freedom and peace.   Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:- is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for youā€¦.to enrich your faith!   Follow me on TWITTER ļ»æ  

Doing your little part....

Have you ever wondered, what you can do to bring peace to the world?   Maybe we think it is impossible or beyond us.   Well for sure it is difficult, but not impossible! But, have you ever wondered, if you do your little part, that is, by loving your neighbour, this will eventually bring peace to the world!   George Calleja ā€“ Malta ps Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:- is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for youā€¦.to enrich your faith! Follow me on TWITTER

Luke 15:7

Luke 15:7   I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.   Reflections:- When you repent over your sins, rejoice, for God is glad for you. If you want to find joy in your life, convert from your old life and seek God. Have you ever thought how happy you will be when you accept Gods salvation? Jesus is calling you to participate in Gods Loveā€¦..accept it. George Calleja ā€“ Malta ps Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:- is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for youā€¦.to enrich your faith! Follow me on TWITTER

Even though you seem tired and weary, He cares for you.

  Even though you seem tired and weary, He cares for you. ļ»æ

Receive You through the Eucharist

Thank you Jesus that I may receive you through the Eucharist. The Eucharist that is the source and summit of my life.   I praise you and thank you Father, for the presence of your Son in my life.   Thank you Jesus that you come through the Eucharist, and make me close to Your heart, that you strengthen me in my life, and unite me to the Church in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints.   George Calleja ā€“ Malta ps Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:- is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for youā€¦.to enrich your faith! Follow me on TWITTER

Monthly Reflection by George Calleja - February 2013 - ā€˜Jesus makes me richā€™

Do you know someone who is really rich, and can buy all the things which his heart desires?   Have you ever wished that you can be like that person, no problem of buying things, and have whatever you want? It is true, that being rich you are able to buy many things which your heart desires.   But by buying all the things which your heart desires, does that fulfills your life of being rich ?! Having a rich-full life does not depends if you are material rich or not, it all depends of having a personal relationship with Jesus.   A relationship that through His love, you are able to appreciate life more.   You are able of loving your neighbour in a new rich-full way, trusting Him through faith that He provides through your relationship with Him, and that He shows you the way. A relationship with Jesus, is what people need, is what society thirsts for.   Jesus is the way for each person.   Jesus is the way to make you rich the spiritual re...